With the blink of an eye...
Everything can change
If you own real estate in any capacity, its time to educate yourself on how to truly protect your real estate AND protect your family
So many things can go wrong if you have not thought about your estate planning, whether wills and/or trusts are a right fit for you.. And it’s important to know what those things are so you can equip yourself and your family against those…
Having a will or trust in place can mean the difference between your family staying together and things running smoothly - or your family being torn apart and angry at one another…
At this free zoom class, you’ll learn about wills, trusts and estate planning - plus some other types of protection you can set up now to make things easier to manage later.
We will teach you the importance of having a will and/or a trust along with the differences between them and how you can use them to protect yourself and your family
Knowledge is power - and using that knowledge to leverage yourself and your family with estate planning is is an absolute game changer…
Learn about how you can use wills/trusts to protect yourself and your family, plus protect your investments/real estate and how to leverage this knowledge to best benefit you and your loved ones at our upcoming free zoom class!
Happening: March 20th, 2023 11:00am